Biggest Digital Marketing Mistakes

Biggest Digital Marketing Mistakes

Many businesses tend to overlook the most important parts of a successful online presence. Check out 5 of the biggest digital marketing mistakes that small business owners make! 

They don’t claim & optimize their Google Business Profiles.

Google Business Profile is a free tool offered by Google that can help spread the word about local businesses in a big way. Not taking advantage of this tool by claiming the business profile, could allow someone not associated with the business to get control and post whatever business information that they would like.

Secondly, fully filling out the Google Business Profile allows a business to provided detailed information to Google and customers about services and products. Photos, special offers, business descriptions, and more are allowed along with direct links to websites and social medial outlets.

They don’t answer all reviews.

No matter the rating, answering reviews is critical to small businesses. Answering 5-star reviews and thanking the customer shows appreciation of them leaving the review. Answering 1-star reviews showing concern and gives the customers an avenue to follow up so that the business may seek to improve their experience.

For more information, read our article titled Importance of Responding to Google Reviews.”

They don’t have their website optimized for mobile.

With over 45% of people searching the Internet via mobile phones, websites must be optimized for mobile devices! Optimizing a website for mobile-first makes for a better user experience for viewers, can decrease bounce rates, and can benefit search engine optimization.

They aren’t posting regularly on social media.

Posting to social media as a business provides an opportunity to interact with current and potential customers and build a loyal following. It shows that the business is active and engaged. Posting to social media is free, so not taking advantage of posting, means missed opportunities to show off business products/services! 

They don’t have a digital marketing strategy.

Not having a clear digital marketing strategy means a business could be wasting money and time on digital promotion that does not actually work. By not clearing defining the value of a lead and sale and how best to reach customers with a cohesive strategy, businesses can find themselves floundering around.

With a clear strategy and steady implementation, businesses will be on a path to success. Is your business making any of these common digital marketing mistakes and needs help laying a plan that works ? Let The Digital People team ensures the success of your small business’s online presence. Contact us today to learn about our wide range of digital marketing solutions!

Picture of Jaze Dukes

Jaze Dukes

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