Quick TikTok Marketing Tips For Businesses

What do you actually know about TikTok marketing? You might think the only thing you can do as a business is post ads, but more ways exist to get brand name recognition.

Who’s On TikTok?

TikTok is available in more than 200 countries, 75 languages, and has 1 billion active users worldwide. Around 60 percent of TikTok users are ages 16 to 24. Grabbing the attention of this age range is crucial to surviving on the platform.

Why Is TikTok Different?

TikTok is different from other social media platforms in that it levels the playing field for all brands. The algorithm for TikTok allows users with zero followers to gain engagement as long as the video is interesting or entertaining. TikTok also does not require a brand to spend huge amounts of money on filming videos. This allows any brand to be able to create entertaining videos, no matter the budget. TikTok also has one of the highest engagement levels of all the social media platforms, which makes it appealing to businesses and other users.

How To Reach Your Target Audience

To succeed on TikTok, you MUST determine your target audience. Once you understand the age and demographic you are targeting, stick to your niche. A niche is your distinct segment of a target market. People tend to follow accounts that post specific niche content instead of mixed content. For example, if you want to post about fashion and dancing, then make two separate accounts. This will help you reach both target markets and keep a highly engaged audience on both.

Post Content Daily For TikTok Marketing

Unlike Instagram or Facebook, you should be posting multiple times a day on TikTok. The more you post, the greater the chance of reaching potential followers. One video might get 5 views, but the one next to it might have 1 million. You never know what TikTok video is going to get the most interaction or screen time. This is why it’s important to always post QUALITY content.

Recreate Popular Trends and Videos

Most of the time, people get “TikTok famous” from following popular trends. When there is a video trend that pops up on your feed constantly, this is when you need to hop on the bandwagon. This doesn’t mean to copy someone’s video to a T, but put your own twist on it. You can direct it toward your brand and make it specifically target your audience. Hashtags are also important to use when posting TikToks.

How To Choose The Perfect Hashtags

To ensure your audience views your TikToks, you should use the appropriate hashtags so others can find your videos easily. One of the easiest ways to search what hashtags to use is to research competing brands. Don’t copy these directly, but some inspiration can help you target the right people.

Another way to find the perfect hashtags for your TikTok post would be to study your target audience’s hashtag habits. Certain communities on TikTok use specific hashtags so others in that community can find their videos easier. Search for your specific communities on TikTok and take inspiration from them!

Using both popular and branded hashtags for your TikToks also gives posts a boost. Branded hashtags organize your brand’s videos and let your community find your videos easier and faster!

Picture of Erica Fuller

Erica Fuller

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