All About Snapchat Ads

The Basics of Snapchat Ads

Snapchat ads can be a great use of advertising dollars for businesses that offer products and services that appeal to younger generations. Snapchat now has over 397 million daily active users and continues to grow. Learn more about the basics of Snapchat Ads below. 

What is Snapchat used for?

Snapchat is primarily a messaging platform between friends and families, where users can send texts or pictures/videos called “snaps” to each other, which can include a funny filter. 

What are the demographics on Snapchat?

Snapchat can be a fabulous place to consider advertising if your target demographic is younger. About 52% of Gen Zs frequent this platform, while about 22% of Millennials use this platform.

Why are Snapchat Ads important?

With nearly 400 million daily active users, Snapchat is an very active platform to target potential customers on. Ads that are more interactive and engaging can catch your eye quicker here. Its user base is mostly a younger crowd that has buying power, so Snapchat is perfect if that’s your target audience.

According to Snapchat, after users watch ads on Snapchat, they are 45% more likely to recommend the advertised product to their friends. With many people wanting to spread the word about products and services, Snapchat can be a great place to spend advertising dollars. 

Where do Snapchat Ads appear?

Snapchat ads can be found in between users’ stories as quick videos or photos. You can also find them in the Discover section of Snapchat. Once users tap them, the ads usually lead them to a landing page or social media page.

Below are a few examples of these ads.

Sponsored filters are another form these ads can take. While users for the most part use filters that are from Snapchat, every now and then, you’ll come across a filter sponsored by a brand. An example from Snapchat is below. 

The Digital People is your ad agency based in Monroe, LA, that serves all areas of Louisiana, including Shreveport, Alexandria, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans. If you’re interested in learning more about online advertising, contact us today!

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Jaze Dukes

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