Social Media Content For Healthcare Providers

As healthcare providers, you have an excellent opportunity to reach current and potential patients via social media. According to Forbes, 1 in 10 Americans turns to social media for healthcare information. Why not have a strong online presence that educates, inspires, and entertains with factual information.

One of the best ways to encourage yourself or your team to post regularly is to develop a content calendar. Below is an example of a 3 post a week calendar. As you can see, subject matter rotates throughout the week to keep things fresh on the idea generation and viewer end.

Content Calendar Example

Social Posting Content Calendar

What Type of Content To Post


1. Spotlight Team Members

Some of the most popular posts, no matter the type of business, are Team Members Spotlights. These posts personalize the individuals who provide services to your customers. For employees that are willing to share, have them give you some facts about themselves to use in the spotlight. Educational credentials, unique skills, favorite food, favorite music, quote that they love, etc…

Team Member Spotlight Post For Healthcare

2. Post About Special Events At Your Office 

Whether it is a themed dress-up day or volunteer service at a local health fair, people want an inside look at your business. Give followers a peek into the breaks from the ordinary.

Work Team Activity Social Post


The healthcare sector, more than almost any other, is well-positioned to provide information that consumers will welcome. So much disinformation floats around that getting the true facts is a breath of fresh air. These posts can be created in a variety of forms such as infographics, quotes, lists, short videos, or carousels (multiple slides/images) with informative text accompanying them.

Think about the core services that you offer to your patients. What are the reasons that patients need those services? Highlight the benefits.  What are the disadvantages of not receiving those services? What are patient pain points and hindrances to care? Address those in your posts. For example, lack of financial resources is a common reason that people avoid treatment. Do you have financing arrangements that you can spotlight?

Poll staff about questions that they most frequently hear from patients or prospective patients. From the front desk to the nurse’s stations and the exam room, the questions may vary. Answer those questions in a straightforward or entertaining manner depending on the subject matter. Also, informational posts are great for dispelling myths and discouraging ill-advised social media challenges that can be dangerous to people’s health.

3. Answer Common Health Care Questions

Some examples questions with some significant search volume for different areas of healthcare include:


How do teeth grow?

When do permanent teeth come in?

How many teeth are in your mouth?

What do the early signs of tooth cancer look like?


Should you go to the ER to get a Covid test?

Where can I donate blood? What is the universal blood type?

How to become an organ donor?

What is a nurse anesthetist?


When do cravings start during pregnancy?

What does a pap smear test for?

When to start taking prenatal vitamins?


Can you rebuild bone density?

How many bones in a child?

Which sports have the most injuries?

How to reduce swelling in the knee quickly?

Urgent Care Center

When to go to urgent care?

What services are provided at urgent care?

Is a virtual doctor’s visit available through urgent care?

4. Spotlight Special Health Care Days

You can also center your informational posts around special months or days throughout the year. Below are some examples below, but a quick Google search will bring up many more.

National Healthcare Day Post


Thyroid Awareness Month

Give Kids A Smile® Day


American Heart Month

National Donor Day


Save Your Vision Month

National Sleep Awareness Week®


Occupational Therapy Month

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day


National High Blood Pressure Education Month

National Women’s Health Week


World Blood Donor Day

Men’s Health Week


UV Safety Awareness Month

National Youth Sports Week


National Immunization Awareness Month

Contact Lens Health Week


National Yoga Awareness Month

National Preparedness Awareness Month (FEMA)

National Suicide Prevention Week


National Bullying Prevention Month

National Depression Screening Day®


National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Great American Smokeout


National Safe Toys and Gifts Month

National Handwashing Awareness Week

5. Give Humor A Go

Yes, it is okay to inject humor in your posts at times. We all know that health topics can be weighty, but humor, done right, can be both entertaining and informative at the same time. Whether it be a corny joke or an entertaining video snippet, clever and appropriate for all audiences, humor can be well-received.

With the help of the content calendar and post ideas above, now is a great time to establish a regular social media presence for your healthcare business.

Picture of Sarah Fuller

Sarah Fuller

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