Why Digital Advertising is so Important

Why Digital Advertising Is So Important

There are over 5.18 billion people online daily and over 4.8 billion people on social media each day. With all of these people on the Internet every day, it’s no wonder that digital advertising is taking the world by storm. In this article, we will show why digital advertising is so important.

Digital advertising is more targeted

Because there are multiple methods of narrowing down your demographics, interests, geographic areas, and more when setting up an online ad, digital advertising is more targeted than traditional advertising, such as billboards or television commercials. If you want to target a specific group of people, online ads are a great investment!

Targeted display ads allow marketers to target ads down to where a group of people visit a physical visit or if they’ve visited your site in the past. For more information on targeted display ads, check out our article Display Advertising: Everything You Need to Know.

Online ads give measurable results

Unlike traditional advertising, where you can’t track who saw your advertisement, digital advertising gives a lot of metrics you can look at to see how well your ad performed!

Some of these metrics include:

Impressions: how many times your ad was shown
Click-through rate (CTR): how many times your ad was clicked
Cost-per-click (CPC): the cost that the marketer incurs for a customer to click the ad
Conversion rate: the percentage of people who took an action from your ad
Bounce rate: the percentage of people who left, or “bounced”, from your landing page or website once they click on it
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): the revenue that the advertisement brought in compared to what it cost to run it
Engagement rate: how much engagement your advertisement is receiving

Digital advertising is cost-effective

Some business owners fear that online ads are more expensive than traditional advertising, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Digital advertising is actually more cost-effective because it is targeted. Most times, you can set a maximum budget with the advertisement platform you use. This prevents the platform from overspending.

Digital advertising is a great way for businesses, who are conscious about budgeting and targeting, to have concrete metrics they can track.

If your business is interested in online ads such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, Snapchat Ads, Display Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Pinterest Ads, and/or YouTube Ads, contact The Digital People. Our team of digital marketing experts will be glad to help!

Picture of Jaze Dukes

Jaze Dukes

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