Inspiration for Content Creation

Getting Inspiration for Content Creation

Writer’s block can be tough when dealing with content creation, but luckily, inspiration can be found in multiple places! In this article, we will share with you 5 easy ways to gather ideas for creating content.

Research competition

Researching your competition can give you lots of inspiration. Search for competitors in your industry, and not just in your area. Take a look at all of their social accounts, website content, and any other content they may have.

Take note of what you find and how much engagement it’s getting, such as impressions, clicks, likes, comments, shares, and more! Post your own take on popular topics.

Experiment with your content

Experiment with content creation for a while. For this to work, you’ll need to clearly outline what you’re posting each week for a set number of weeks or months. 

For example, let’s say you want to test what posts will work best for Facebook posting. Set aside a month and post one informational post on Monday, a team post on Wednesday, and an inspirational quote on Friday. Then, look back and see how these posts did! This way, you can weed out what works and what doesn’t work.

Analyze past content

Perform an audit of the content you’ve posted in the past. Look at the number of views, comments, likes & reactions, and shares posts have gotten. Which posts have worked best for your brand? Make notes of these metrics and keep the information in mind for future posting!

Research keywords

Research what people are searching for online with keyword research! Simply Googling common questions or subjects can lead you to find out what people wonder about the most, which can lead to some great post ideas or blog ideas. Keyword research tools, such as Moz, can also be helpful since these tools usually tell you search volumes and more information about keywords.

Keyword research is great for SEO purposes too. To learn more about how to perform keyword research, check out our article on keyword research here.

Ask ChatGPT for inspiration

ChatGPT can be a great way to get content inspiration. Simply give it a prompt and see what it tells you! The more detailed and refined you can make your prompt, the more tailored the output will be to your specific needs. Don’t copy things word for word, though. ChatGPT and other AI are known for taking information from the Internet directly. It can sometimes try to pass off completely wrong information as correct too. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT here.

Picture of Jaze Dukes

Jaze Dukes

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