4 Graphic Design Mistakes

4 Graphic Design Mistakes We See

Your brand’s online presence plays a key role in how customers may interpret your business. Graphic design mistakes can affect customer’s perceptions of you! In this article, we will share four common design mistakes and examples seen across social media, websites, and other online places. We’ll also offer ways to fix these common problems!

Hard-to-read lettering

One common problem is hard-to-read lettering. While it’s sometimes meant to be a creative choice, opting for an intricate font or crazy color combination can make your graphic designs difficult to read. Stay away from using overly intricate fonts or crazy, bright colors. Choose clear, readable fonts and ensure that there’s sufficient contrast between the font and background color!

No consistent branding colors

Consistent branding is important for building a strong and recognizable brand. Another common graphic design mistake we see is brands using a mix of colors that ignore the business’s branding. Ensure your colors are consistent across all platforms. If you don’t have branding colors, consider contacting a designer to help with your business’s branding. Cohesive colors reinforce brand recognition. It also helps your business maintain a professional appearance! 

Using low-quality images

Photos are a powerful tool for marketing. However, if you’re using low-quality images, it could hinder your online presence! Invest in high-quality photography. If you don’t have a professional camera on hand, utilize your smartphone! Today’s cell phones often have a great, professional camera that can be useful for social media or website photography.

Keeping a cluttered layout

A cluttered layout can overwhelm customers and prevent them from navigating your website or understanding social media posts. Keep your design clean and don’t be afraid to utilize white space. Simplifying your designs ensures designs are accessible and everyone can read and understand the message.

Example of a cluttered social media post

If you enjoyed reading this article on graphic design mistakes, check out our other blog post on “Biggest Digital Marketing Mistakes.

Picture of Jaze Dukes

Jaze Dukes

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